At the January 25, 2024 Half Moon Bay Chamber of Commerce annual "State of the Coastside" event, CUSD Superintendent Dr. Sean McPhetridge presented an update on the recently approved CUSD 2019-2024 Strategic Plan. After numerous months of working with a steering committee and focus groups, CUSD staff collaborated with Insight Education Group to finalize the new CUSD Strategic Plan and present it for approval to the CUSD Governing Board in January. Please see attached for the presentation that provides an overview of CUSD's updated vision, mission, goals, and priorities. Also included in the new CUSD 2019-2024 Strategic Plan is a description of the organization's values and a Graduate Profile that outlines the skills and abilities that CUSD aims to support in all our graduates.
Please follow this link to see the State of the Coastside: Cabrillo Unified School District Presentation.