Alternative Education

Pilarcitos High School

Pilarcitos provides an alternative high school setting for 10th - 12th grade students. Students work individually and in small groups to earn a high school diploma. For more information visit the Alternative Education website.   

Independent Study K-5

Independent Study is an alternative instructional program for grades K-5 with materials provided by CUSD and with parent delivery of the Cabrillo elementary curriculum. There is weekly contact with an assigned Cabrillo teacher.

For more information visit the Alternative Education website's Independent  Study K-5 link.  

Independent Study 6-8: 6th through 8th graders use the same program as 9th-12th graders

Independent Study 9-12

Independent Study is a positive and productive alternative to continue or complete a high school education. Independent Study allows students to pursue their educational opportunities outside the classroom, yet within the framework of the educational requirements of the Cabrillo Unified School District. The nature of the program gives students the opportunity to individualize instruction and the freedom to utilize various community resources. The student assumes the responsibility to complete an individual education contract. For more information visit the Alternative Education website Independent Study link

Work Experience

In order for a student to earn school credit, the student, the employer, and the school district must meet their respective responsibilities as outlined in the Work Permit Handbook for California Schools. Students are employed, for pay, in business or industry. The students' jobs need not be related to a stated career goal or the students' courses of study at Pilarcitos High School.  For more information visit the Alternative Education website Work Experience link

Regulations for Independent Study

Getting started

Prior to signing the Independent Study (IS) written agreement for IS, and at a pupil or parent or guardian’s request, all LEAs offering IS must hold a pupil-parent-educator conference or school meeting via phone, videoconference, or in-person (EC Section 51747). At a minimum, this conference or meeting must involve all of the people who sign the pupil’s written agreement for IS. During the conference or school meeting, attendees may ask questions about the educational options, curriculum offerings, and nonacademic supports available to the pupil.

Daily IS


Asynchronous (Independent) Instruction: A portion of the student's instructional time will consist of "Asynchronous Instruction" which consists of assignments, tasks, and projects aligned to grade-level standards that is assigned to the student by a classroom teacher to work on independently at home.


Synchronous Instruction: daily instruction that involves classroom-style, small group, or individual instruction involving live, two-way communication between the teacher and student. The number of minutes per day and the type of lesson delivery will be outlined in the written master agreement as determined by the district.

Parents or other adult are expected to serve as independent learning coach in their home throughout the instructional day to help guide and assist students with the Independent Study program.




Asynchronous (Independent) Instruction: A portion of the student's instructional time will consist of "Asynchronous Instruction" which consists of assignments, tasks, and projects aligned to grade level standards that is assigned to the student by a classroom teacher to work on independently at home.

Synchronous Instruction: At least weekly synchronous instruction that involves classroom-style, small group, or individual instruction involving live, two-way communication between the teacher and student. The number of minutes per day and the type of lesson will be outlined in the written master agreement as determined by the district.

Daily Live interaction: A certified teacher will interact with the student daily for the purpose of maintaining school connectedness. The number of minutes and form of communication will be outlined in the written master agreement as determined by the district.

Parents or other adults are expected to serve as independent learning coach in their home throughout the instructional day to help guide and assist students with the Independent Study program.




Asynchronous (Independent) Instruction: The majority of the student's instructional time may consist of "Asynchronous Instruction" which consists of assignments, tasks, and projects aligned to grade-level standards that are assigned to the student by a classroom teacher to work on independently at home.

Synchronous Instruction: At least Weekly synchronous instruction that involves classroom-style, small group, or individual instruction involving live, two-way communication between the teacher and student. The number of minutes per day and the type of lesson will be outlined in the written master agreement as determined by the district.



Students who have an interest in the Independent Study Program who are currently eligible for Special Education and related services through an IEP must have an IEP meeting to discuss a possible programmatic change PRIOR to enrollment in an independent study. Similarly, students on a 504 plan who have an interest in the Independent Study Program, must have a 504 meeting to discuss a possible programmatic change PRIOR to enrollment. 


  • Daily attendance expectation
  • Engagement logs can document the synchronous and “daily live” interactions
  • Procedures for tiered reengagement strategies for all pupils not generating attendance for more than three school days or 60 percent of the instructional days in a school week, or who are in violation of their written learning agreement.

Return to in-person instruction

  • A plan to transition pupils whose families wish to return to in-person instruction from IS expeditiously, and not later than five instructional days.

Curriculum/Educational Materials

  • CUSD will provide access to all pupils to the connectivity and devices adequate for participation and completion of work in the specific resources made available to the pupil.
  • Access to district approved curriculum for core content areas(ie. Wonders, Number Corner, CPM, Eureka Math)
  • For high schools, a provision for access to all courses offered by the LEA for graduation and approved by the University of California or the California State University as creditable under the A–G admissions criteria.  (Edgenuity)

Progress Monitoring

  • A detailed statement of academic and other supports provided to address the needs of pupils not performing at grade level, or needed support in other areas such as English learners, individuals with exceptional needs in order to be consistent with the pupil’s individualized education program or 504 plan, pupils in foster care, pupils experiencing homelessness, and pupils requiring mental health supports.

  •  Satisfactory progress as an added means to evaluate continued IS participation and placement.

  • Procedures for tiered reengagement strategies for pupils not making satisfactory educational progress in one or more courses, or who are in violation of the written learning agreement.

  • Maximum length of time to complete assignments, by grade level and type of program (traditional IS only).

CBIS (Course Based Independent Studies)

  • Policies that comply with California Education Code (EC) Section 51749.5 (course-based IS only).

  •  Courses are taught under the general supervision of appropriately credentialed teachers who are employees of the LEA or for whom a memorandum of understanding is provided (course-based IS only).

  • Courses are annually certified to be of the same rigor, educational quality, and intellectual challenge substantially equivalent to in-person instruction and equivalent classroom-based courses, which shall include access to A–G courses for high schools. The certification must include, at a minimum, the course duration, number of equivalent daily and total instructional minutes, and course credits, number of course credits, and a plan to provide required minimum synchronous learning and live interaction (course-based IS only).

  • Pupil age and residency eligibility (course-based IS only).

  • Proctored exams (course-based IS only).

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