Family Resources


Superintendent Letter (English)

Carta del Superintendente (Espa

Immigrant Rights and Support at Cabrillo Schools

CUSD Immigration Support Parent Guidance: English and Spanish

Cabrillo Unified School District Policy

CUSD Board Policy 5145.13: Response To Immigration Enforcement

CUSD Administrative Regulation 5145.13: Response To Immigration Enforcement

The Governing Board of Cabrillo Unified School District is committed to the success of all students, irrespective of their citizenship or immigration status. Key points of the district policy include:

Students are to be protected against discrimination, harassment, intimidation, or bullying based on immigration status 

Students have a right to a free public education regardless of immigration status 

Schools and the district will not solicit or collect information regarding the citizenship or immigration status of students or their families

California Attorney General Bonta’s Guidance for K-12 Schools: Providing Safe and Secure Learning Environment for All

Key Procedures

Responding to Information Requests: The district will not disclose student information to immigration authorities without parental consent, a court order, or judicial subpoena

Sites will report to the Superintendent (who will report to the Board) in a timely manner any requests for information or access to a school site by an officer or employee of a law enforcement agency for the purpose of enforcing the immigration laws

Access to Students or School Grounds: Law enforcement officers must present valid documentation, and district staff will notify the Superintendent or designee and receive direction before responding to such requests. Response to access to students is governed by AR 5145.13 Responding to Requests for Access to Students or School Grounds

Please click on the links below for Resources & Supports
San Mateo County Legal Aid

CUSD Immigration Support Parent Guidance: English and Spanish

Rapid Response Hotline: If ICE comes to your home, work, or neighborhood, or if there are ICE raids nearby, call the San Mateo County Rapid Response Hotline at 203-666-4472 (203 NO-MIGRA). You can also get posters and pocket cards with this number.

Immigrant Legal Resource Center

Know Your Rights Toolkit

Coastside Hope: Free Immigration Consultations with La Raza Centro Legal attorney

ALAS  (Ayudando Latinos a Soñar)

SMCO Immigration Services PowerPoint: Spanish

SMCO Immigrant Services

SMCO Legal Services

For further support within Cabrillo Unified School District, contact the Migrant office at (650) 870-1792

Warrant and Subpoena Document Samples

From the California Attorney General's guide Promoting a Safe and Secure Campus for All  

Please click on the links below for Other Resources:


Do we share a child’s information with immigration authorities?

No, the district will not share a student’s  information with immigration authorities without parental consent, a court order, or a judicial subpoena.

What should the school do if immigration officers come to the school?

The school staff will follow the district procedures above, which include notifying the Superintendent or designee and ensuring that officers do not enter the school premises to protect the safety and well-being of all our students.

Who should a parent contact if they have immigration questions?

Parents should talk to the site liaison or site principal (Principals please designate a site contact). At the district, parents can visit our Migrant Education office located at Hatch Elementary School in our Eagle Program and talk to Rosalva Segura and Cesilia Gutierrez-Gaytan.

Advice for Parents:

Legal assistance for immigration-related issues

See the resource list above

Update their child’s emergency contact information

Parents should update their child’s emergency contact information through the school office. It is recommended to provide alternative contacts in case of emergency situations. See the directory linked below for your child's school liaison:

CUSD  Family Liaison Directory
Liaison Directory

Fill out a Caregiver's Authorization Affidavit with a trusted family member or friend in case of emergency where the parent cannot pick up the student. Have the caregiver keep a copy and file one with the school:

English and Spanish

Please click here:
Guidance for a Family Preparedness Plan for a downloadable toolkit that gives  guidance on family preparedness planning, regardless of immigration status. It gives additional advice to undocumented and/or mixed status families

Red card provided by the Immigrant Legal Resource Center (ILRC)

The red card is a tool designed to help individuals assert their legal rights during encounters with immigration enforcement agents. It contains information in both English and Spanish about the right to remain silent, the right to refuse entry to one's home without a warrant, and the right to speak with a lawyer. When approached by immigration officers, individuals should hand the red card to the officer without opening the door or answering any questions. The card communicates their desire to remain silent and that they do not consent to a search or entry without a valid warrant. The District will provide these to you or you can print them by clicking on the links below:

English version

Spanish version


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